Here you can find information about our teaching staff as well as term by term overviews of the subjects taught in the National Curriculum and Islamic Curriculum section.
National Curriculum
Here you can find information about our teaching staff as well as term by term overviews of the subjects taught in the National Curriculum and Islamic Curriculum section.
Darul Uloom provides a unique balance of traditional Islamic education and National Curriculum subjects which aims to nurture intellectual development, interest and enthusiasm for learning as well as achieving the highest results. We follow the GCSE programme of study for public examinations, however we try to teach beyond what is expected through drawing on a wide range of experience and techniques as well as adding an Islamic outlook to each subject.
A great emphasis is placed on English as a study as part of the curriculum. The ability to understand, speak and write in good English is of huge importance in present day society, and it aids in the learning of other subjects. We promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping students with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.
Mathematics is one of the core National Curriculum subjects taught at Darul Uloom. Great emphasis is placed on this subject that forms an important foundation for many career paths. KS3 students focus on understanding concepts and then applying these concepts when tackling problem solving questions. When students reach KS4 they will either complete the foundation tier or the higher tier. They will further develop their core knowledge and confidently tackle more advanced mathematical problems.
Darul Uloom students will acquire a comprehensive education in science from Key Stage 3 up to Key Stage 4, ending up with an outlook in life where Science to them is more than a subject but rather a way that highlights the magnificence and creativity of our Lord and therefore is seen everywhere around us impacting our daily lives by the Will of Allāh.
This subject provides an opportunity to teach students about different religions and viewpoints around the world. It is designed to create an appreciation and tolerance within the students for other ways of life, and the importance of learning to live in harmony in spite of differences in lifestyles and beliefs. Students will also further strengthen their own faith gearing them up for dealing with delicate religious matters as well as being prepared for complex dialogue with our diverse communities.
The study of modern Arabic is compulsory and strongly emphasised. It is taught by specialists and focuses on the development of confident reading, writing, speaking and listening. It will open the gates to our Islamic culture and further students’ knowledge, providing them with a more global and intercultural understanding.
Increasingly in this modern age, the use of computers is becoming indispensable in every sphere of society. Darul Uloom has a modern ICT laboratory equipped with the latest computers and accessories, so that students acquire a thorough education in this subject. Furthermore, ICT equipment (computers, projectors etc.) is used throughout the Madrasah, displaying a clear focus on students acquiring literacy in IT. Students learn various programming codes and essential IT skills that will place them at an advantage when leaving the school.
The Madrasah aims to offer all students the opportunity to achieve success, improve self-confidence, gain self-esteem and promote health and well-being through physical education. It also fulfils a part of our objective to teach students good, healthy and beneficial forms of entertainment. In addition to time-tabled lessons, a wide range of sporting activities are accessible during lunchtimes and after Madrasah every day. Students are able to pursue a variety of sports and games, including football, basketball, cricket, volley ball, table tennis, and many others. The facilities include a large playground which has been constructed to cater sufficiently for the increasing number of students.
Students develop their understanding of the importance of the major beliefs of Islam, and of the early history of the Islamic community. Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the main elements of Islamic faith and history, evaluating the meaning and importance of these elements in the lives and thoughts of Muslims.
Islam has a rich heritage of art and calligraphy. In this day and age our students are given the opportunity to further their creative and aesthetic abilities, through the composing of their own works of art using ICT. We plan for each boy to develop his creative thinking skills to the full and develop their own creative interests. This includes Graphic design, understanding how to use online tools to be creative and produce amazing designs and art. Although Creative Graphic Design is not available for KS4 students have many aspects of creative learning are available in English, History, Qur’ān and throughout the rest of the curriculum.
The programme covers personal development, health and fitness, careers guidance, relationship education from an Islamic narrative, citizenship, and the enhancement of study skills necessary for success now and in the future. Students are taught the importance of democracy, how to respect the rule of law in England, individual liberty and different faiths.
Newly introduced to the DUIHS in the later stage of 2020/21 academic year, this subject explores British History with a complementing study of Geography. The subject is critical and logical in its approach, combining the logistics of mathematics through its study of chronology and English studies through its analytical approach.