Tahfidhul Qur’ān Pathway
Hundreds of Darul Uloom students have memorised the Qurʾān and continue to do so today. This unique method of preservation is an unchanged tradition stretching back to the Prophet ﷺ and the angel Jibril.
Students following the Hifdh pathway embark on the noble task of committing the whole Qur’ān to memory. They undergo a rigorous routine of memorisation designed to ensure completion within three years. In addition to their daily assessments, regular evaluations take place through monthly, termly, and end of year examinations.
Darul Uloom employs very high calibre teachers who are Hafidh and Qaris. Hundreds of students have completed their memorisation of the Qur’ān here, and several of them have won local and national Hifdh competitions. During Ramadan, many of the current and former Darul Uloom students lead the Tarawih prayers in mosques nationwide, Alhamdulilah.
Rasulullah ﷺ said: